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Trend is secondary, music should last.

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Mixing is ALL about context. You've probably heard your song in your head thousands of times by now and you're eager to connect vision with reality. You've probably worked like crazy to get everything in the production of the song just right. From picking the right drum sounds to recording the perfect guitar parts and writing killer lyrics. However, it might not sound as good as you would like it to do.







Being in this place between a nearly finished song and the next streaming service is really a favorite place of mine. You can hear the song but it's not quite there yet. For me mixing is all about context, to sculpt a place for the song you just finished. To add clarity, excitement, space  and  to add take that extra care of your song before it hits the internet is a real joy.

I'm going to stop ramble on here and let you listen to some actual music instead. Listen to some of the music I've mixed on the site music player. If you'd like to dive a little deeper my entire catalogue of released music can be found here.  If this made you interested make sure to contact me via the site form and I'll get back to you with a proposal



For me the most important thing about mixing is adding context to a song. I see the mix as a coulisse to help telling the story. Therefore I spend a lot of time working with the atmosphere and soundscape of a song to create a world for the listener to live in, and to keep the song relevant even a hundred listens later.

I come from the indie genre and I really value its strife to maintain imperfection. At the same time I love the pureness you can find in todays pop music. Therefore I tend to operate in the crossover between acoustic and electronic elements. I'm not very concerned about genre overall though. So if you find any of my work intreseting I'm sure that we can find an exciting collaboration no matter what genre you're in.

Improve your sound!

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